A Health Services research approach to sustainable process improvements

The public purpose of this award is to use the Military Health System (MHS) as a model for large health systems investigating the impact of COVID-19 on resource allocation; cost, quality and efficiency of care; access to care; and population-level health outcomes. This research will enable those who work in and around health systems to apply the innovative techniques, models, and findings developed to inform decision-making by leaders and managers not only in the MHS but other health systems nationwide and across other high-income countries.

Mihrec-19 has three specific aims

  1. To build a conceptual framework of the impact of COVID-19 on the MHS.
  2. To conduct detailed analysis of cost, quality, access, safety, efficiency, and population-level health outcome data for the MHS during the COVID-19 pandemic
  3. To investigate in greater detail conditions which are deemed to be national priorities

Mihrec-19 key themes

  • Resource allocation
  • Cost, quality & efficiency of care
  • Access to care
  • Population-level health outcomes
  • Expansion of telehealth
  • Potentially avoidable variation in health access and outcomes