About the center for health services research
The CHSR is a requirements-driven initiative developed in direct response to the 2014 Military Health System (MHS) Review. This document identified a critical gap in the ability of the MHS to use its wealth of data for decision making and iterative learning, and recommended a dedicated program of training and analytics to build this capacity for current and future efforts. Although the size of the staff and annual budget are small compared to the annual MHS budget, CHSR develops the necessary capacity and produces timely relevant, translatable findings to support the MHS and the Nation through the following avenues:
Education and Training: Providing training opportunities for those who support military Health Services Research (HSR), educating students and faculty in HSR methods, and supporting researcher access to grants and awards.
Research: Conducting research that measurably supports the MHS strategic goals and objectives and contributes to learning and policy across the MHS; expanding USU’s HSR capacity, and becoming recognized as the thought leader for military HSR across MHS, DoD, and the Nation.
Direct Support Services: Responding to requirements and ad hoc queries generated from organizations and units within DoD and the MHS, particularly emerging HA/DHA priorities, and establishing enduring relationships with MHS customers.
Service to the Nation: Support to civilian HSR organizations, the interagency and national efforts on demand including the Veterans Administration and the White House.
The CHSR supports the readiness of America’s Warfighter and improved health outcomes for the military community by building capacity throughout the Military Health System (MHS) to conduct health services research that support MHS goals, the Department of Defense (DoD) mission, and the national security strategy.
By the end of CY2027, the CHSR will be nationally recognized as the leader in MHS Health Services Research. We will produce actionable, outcomes-based policy recommendations and direct support that will improve health outcomes throughout the MHS and will be instrumental in supporting the MHS as it reimagines current care models and the healthcare experience throughout the continuum of care.
Why Health Services Research Is Important
The ASD(HA) and the Defense Health Agency (DHA) must have timely, comprehensive information on health service functions for service members and beneficiaries to inform policy and program decisions on the utilization and cost of healthcare services.
The CHSR addresses healthcare service utilization rates, provider practice, patterns of care, financing structures and readiness for the MHS. As an approximately $53 billion per year health system, health services research capacity is an essential contribution to informing and reforming the overall MHS. Our goal is to ensure evidence-informed policy and decision-making for the MHS.
Tweets by @CHSR_USU
The Center for Health Services Research (CHSR) at the Uniformed Services University would like to invite you to a free virtual 2-day workshop called “Understanding and Using the Military Health System Data Repository for Health Research” being held September 17th-18th.
This 2-day workshop is sponsored by the CHSR and presented by subject matter experts from Kennell and Associates, Inc. For new users, the workshop will give an introduction to the Military Health System (MHS) as well as the MHS Data Repository along with an introduction to MHS GENESIS. For more experienced users, specific MHS GENESIS data types will be covered in more detail. Training will take place from 0800-1600 September 17th and 18th. A training schedule will be made available before the event. One meeting link will be used for all sessions which will be sent out after registration (you can attend all or choose your favorites).
Registration is open and can be accessed at (Understanding and Using the Military Health System Data Repository for Health Research Training Registration Link). The training is open to the public so please feel free to pass this along to any interested colleagues inside or outside the DoD so that they may register and attend.
For any questions or concerns, please contact me (Jessica Korona-Bailey) at jessica.korona.ctr@usuhs.edu.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.